Bank Nifty
This service is for those investors and trader who are relatively new to the market and want to get a feel of how the markets function. The foremost of the resaerch analysis will be to diversify these signals into all the market capitalization i.e small, mid and large caps to make the most out the fluctuating market movement. Investing in large cap stocks is comparativily less risky. midcap and small cap stocks are riskier as compared to large-cap stocks.However,these stocks give higher returns which compensate for the risk involved. Large cap tocks have betas varying between+1 and -1 and offer a good oppertunity for diversification. The 4-5 short term research analysis genrated per week will be in large and mid cap market capitalization counters. the 1-2 long term resaerch analysis generated will be large market capitalization counters.
Retail investors should understand that all investments have risk, and that short-term investing in a volatile market carries significant risk of loss. Short-term trading, including trading aided by the use of margin or options, can lead to significant and unanticipated losses for retail investors. Another investing strategy that can pose high risks for retail investors is “momentum investing.” An investor using a momentum investing strategy seeks to capitalize on the continuance of existing trends in the market